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Essay/Term paper: Interesting person

Essay, term paper, research paper:  English Composition

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An interesting person should have lots of intrigues in his brain, and he should have a curious characteristic. So the adjective "interesting" seems to be the best word to describe me, there is no other better word. All of my old friends know I am a person who has lots of intrigues and happiness. In every important party, I am always invited to be the joker. For these reasons, I believe that I am the most interesting person I know.

Interesting things were not strange to me when I was young. I still remember when I in primary school, I always thought about the difference between boys and girls. The most interesting matter was that why boys and girls went to different restrooms, and what was the difference of the 'equipment' inside restrooms. This question was always running around in my brain. Once I asked my father about it, but it might because my father grew up in a traditional Chinese family in which no one could talk about sex, his answer was " you will know when you get older!" which made me frustrated. Because I was extremely interested in this matter, so once I decided to switch the male-restroom card and the female-restroom card to see what would happen. The consequence was that no one knew how to use the 'equipment' in the switched restrooms. Finally, my class teacher who blamed me for tricking classmates told me about the differences between boys and girls.

Till I entered high school, I still did not change my naughty characteristic. I have a very interesting experience to share with you: One time my brother drove me to school by his new Honda sports car, he drove faster by my request as I was going to be late. He stepped on the gas deeply and the sports car activated its V-tech function, in not more than 5 seconds, the sports car reached sixty miles per hour on the road supposed to drive thirty-five miles per hour at most. Unfortunately, we was unknowingly caught in an automated speed trap hid somewhere on the road, and it measured our speed using radar and photographed our car. Two days later, I received a ticket for forty dollars and a photo of my brother's car. Instead of payment, I sent the police department a photograph of forty dollars. Several days later, my brother told me that he received a strange letter from the police department that contained a ticket for a hundred dollars and a photo of handcuffs. Surely, he did not know what I did.

I am studying at college now, my characteristic still has not changed. My friends always don't believe what I say and distrust what I do, because they think I am too tricky and interesting. A Chinese proverb says " It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's characteristic." Now I deeply believe that it is true.


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